Fix Error Code C 51 in QuickBooks

How do I Fix Error Code C 51 in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks Error Code C15

Many QuickBooks software technical errors occasionally occur and trouble the ongoing significant working process. For example, error code C 51 of QuickBooks is an error occurring anytime a user tries to eliminate a transaction record present in a report or removes a TxList. It generally indicates that the accounting software isn’t capable of searching the TxList and pops up a notification with a message saying, “QuickBooks is unable to find TxList File.” 

How can I Resolve the C 51 Error of QuickBooks Software?

The users can either resolve this QuickBooks Application Error C 51 by hiring an expert or get rid of the error with this blog’s help. It consists of 4 methods to troubleshoot Error C 51 in QuickBooks.

  • The first method to troubleshoot QuickBooks Error C 51 is by repairing the data files of QuickBooks.
  • Another method to fix the Error C 51 of QuickBooks is updating the QuickBooks accounting software to its latest version.
  • Error C 51 can also trigger due to weak Internet Connectivity, and it can troubleshoot by fixing the system’s network connectivity. 
  • Sometimes, a user needs to try to operate the lost or deleted transaction to fix the QuickBooks C 51 Error.
  • Another way you can solve the QuickBooks Accounting desktop Error C 51 is by employing the File Doctor Tool of QuickBooks. 
  • Restoration of backup files is another way to troubleshoot the existing error code. 
  • You can also Rebuild the QuickBooks data to resolve this Error C 51 of QuickBooks. 

What are the Significant Causes of QuickBooks Error C 51?

 The Error C 51 of QuickBooks can trigger the smooth flow of an organization’s working due to any of the following causes:

  • The error c 51 of QuickBooks can trigger when a corrupt or damaged file of the company is present in the software. 
  • This Error can also trigger in case there is the presence of a corrupt or damaged QuickBooks database.
  • QuickBooks Error 1603 triggers when there is the presence of old or outdated QuickBooks software. 
  • If there is an error in the QuickBooks software re-building, then the Error c 51 of QuickBooks triggers. 
  • The QuickBooks accounting software needs to be appropriately verified; it leads to the occurrence of QuickBooks Error C 51
  • The presence of faulty media files, such as backups made on fraudulent floppy drives, can trigger the QuickBooks accounting Software Error C 51.

How To Fix Quickbooks Error Code C15

How Do I Fix Error Code C 51 in QuickBooks?

Error code C 51 can occur while working in a QuickBooks company file if the txList cannot be located from its list, or when removing a transaction from any report.

To quickly resolve this problem, simply close down all running applications and transactions reports before restarting QuickBooks Desktop software.

1. Restart QuickBooks

Error C 51 in QuickBooks is one of the most frequent errors experienced while using this popular software package. If you’re facing this issue, there are a few solutions that can help you resolve it quickly and efficiently.

The initial solution is to restart QuickBooks. If this step can be successfully performed, it should resolve the issue and enable you to continue working within the software.

If you can’t resolve the error on your own, the QuickBooks File Doctor tool can assist. This program scans and detects files that are incorrect, then fixes them. Furthermore, it makes it possible to retrieve any lost or deleted transactions from the database.

Another option is to upgrade your QuickBooks to a later version. This will give you access to all the newest features and tools, plus it may help eliminate error code C 51. However, this only works if your data file is in the same format as the upgraded version.


You can try restarting your system and launching QuickBooks in a different window or tab, but if that does not resolve the problem, contact an experienced accounting service provider for further assistance.

This error could be caused by a variety of issues. For instance, using an outdated version of QuickBooks could prevent communication with the server, and having unstable internet connection may also contribute to this issue.

Possible causes of this error include a corrupted file or improper backups. Additionally, incorrectly installed programs or applications can contribute to the issue.

In some cases, computer problems could even be the result of a virus attack. Therefore, it’s essential to take proactive measures in order to avoid this from occurring.

If you’re having trouble solving the issue on your own, QuickBooks Online customer support services are available to assist you. They have experts who will guide you through the process of correcting this error and guarantee your company data remains safe once again.

2. Rebuild Data

Error code C 51 in QuickBooks is a commonly encountered issue when working on transactions. This error usually appears when trying to remove transactions from reports or from your list of transactions in QuickBooks.

In most cases, this error is harmless. However, it could pose issues if there is data corruption within a company file.

This error most often occurs when QuickBooks cannot locate the txList from its list of txLists. It may also occur if you attempt to delete a transaction from QuickBooks’ list of transactions or while working on your company file (.qbw).

Another potential explanation for this error may be an issue with network connectivity while downloading transactions from your QuickBooks company file. In such a case, it’s essential to test your internet connection prior to beginning downloads of transactions.


To correct this error, you must rebuild your data in a proper format. This can be accomplished either by restoring your QuickBooks backup files or by using the ‘Rebuild Data’ utility.

If the error is due to a damaged company file, running the ‘Verify Data’ tool again can help identify any common data issues within your corporate records. This tool helps detect what might have gone wrong in your company file during its last run through.

Once verified, you can run the ‘Rebuild Data’ utility to resolve any issues uncovered by Verify Data. Doing so will enable you to resolve error code C 51 in QuickBooks.

It is essential to have a high-speed internet connection and computer with an updated version of QuickBooks installed. If you are currently using a wireless connection, try switching it over to hardwired and see if that fixes your issue.

If the problem cannot be solved using manual methods, a specialized QuickBooks(r) repair tool may be beneficial. It helps recover lost or deleted transactions in the company file and corrects any underlying data issues causing this error message.

3. Check the Backup File

If you receive an error code C 51 when trying to back up your company files in QuickBooks, it could be indicative of a problem with the backup file. This is an extremely common occurrence and essential for keeping your data safe in case of disaster or theft.

Before trying to restore the backup file, it’s important to inspect it for errors. Doing this can help identify any potential issues that could have caused QuickBooks error code C 51.

Verifying data in QuickBooks can be done by running the Verify Data tool from the Utilities menu. This tool will scan your company file for errors and data damage, then fix any problems it finds.

Alternately, you can utilize the Rebuild Data tool that is also included with QuickBooks. This feature will resolve most issues identified by Verify Data.

Another solution is running a comprehensive PC scan for malware and computer viruses that might be causing the issue. This step will help remove any viruses that are interfering with the backup process.

Backup Error

If the above methods don’t solve the issue, try renaming a network data file on your system that could be causing the backup error. You can do this by removing any extra or special characters that might be present in its name.

Once you’ve renamed the network data file, try performing another backup. If this doesn’t work, it may be necessary to install a different version of QuickBooks software.

The next step in verifying a backup directory’s correctness and mapping is crucial. If the directory is incorrect or the backup can’t locate the company file, this can lead to QuickBooks Error Code C 51.

Finally, run the QuickBooks File Doctor tool to fix common company file issues. You can download this free tool from Intuit’s website or through their Tool Hub.

4. Reinstall QuickBooks

QuickBooks error code C 51 is a commonly encountered issue when working on your company file. This error occurs when trying to delete an entry from a report and the QuickBooks software cannot locate it.

To resolve this problem, the initial step is to reinstall QuickBooks software. You can do this by downloading and installing the QuickBooks Tool Hub application from Intuit’s official website. Once it has been downloaded and installed, open it up.

Next, launch the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool from within the same application to identify and correct any errors preventing installation. This should help resolve any issues preventing success during installation.

One of the primary causes for this error is an inadequate internet connection during downloading. Another possibility is that backup files have become damaged and cannot be accessed by QuickBooks.

New Backup

If your backup file is incorrect, creating a new backup is possible; however, be mindful that the size must be 6MB or larger to guarantee data safety.

Alternatively, you can rebuild the data in much the same way you would if restoring from a prior backup. To do this, navigate to the file and utilities tab in QuickBooks and click on “rebuild data.”

You can also try running the verify data utility to see if the damage to company files has been repaired. If so, these documents will open with the program.

Once all manual solutions to the error have been exhausted, a specialized QuickBooks repair tool can be employed to recover the transactions in your company file. The software scans affected files to identify those responsible for the issue and restores them accordingly, eliminating them from the company file altogether.

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